Commercial Space - Before - After
Restaurant before remodeling
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All the furniture were refurbished using fabrics and paint,finishing the design with the addition of lighting, new table treatments and plants. All refurbihed by the artist.
with a fresh coat of paint, reupholstered chairs, refinished tables, new lighting new table treatments and simple art straight painted on the walls TLC and we have a new room on a very friendly budget
reorganizing the placement of the furniture we really open up the space
placing this new wall divider we transformed the popular restaurant into a sophisticated room
Ziriguidun Restaurant refurbished with all original furniture
Redecorated with new table treatments furniture painted and reupholstered by the artist
Kitchen entrance wall divider
Refurbished Ziriguidun Restaurant Entrance
following the paint theme a hand painted sun on the back wall for a splash of color and the exotic name on the front wall resolving a budget problem.
Reclaimed planter transformed into Hostess front counter and a cozy waiting area